
What is neurosurgery? And what is the neurosurgeon do?

Neurosurgery is a specialty of surgery which provides the critical care, prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of neurological disorders. This includes the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems, including their supporting structures and vascular supply; the evaluation and treatment of pathological processes which modify the function or activity of the nervous system, including the hypophysis and the operation and non-operative treatment of pain. As such, neurosurgery encompasses treatment of adult and pediatric patients with disorders of the nervous system: disorders of the brain, meninges, and the skull, and their blood supply, including the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries; disorders of the pituitary gland, disorders of the spinal cord, meninges, and vertebral column, including those which may require treatment by spinal fusion or instrumentation; and disorders of the cranial and spinal nerves throughout their distribution.

What is neurosurgeon?
Neurosurgeon is a surgical doctor specialized in neurological disorders.
Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders - Stroke, Parkinsonism disease, Dementia, Brain tumors, Acoustic neuroma, Arteriole-venous malformation (AVM), etc...
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) disorders – like Back pain, Scoliosis, Sciatica, Low back pain, Neck pain, Neuropathic pain, etc…  .

The information above is used for educational purpose only, for any enquiries, please consult your neurosurgeon for medical advices.


Neuropathic Pain Syndromes in Hong Kong (Sciatica, cancer pain, post-stroke pain, trigeminal neuralgia, etc..)

Trigeminal neuralgia
It impacts any of the 3 trigeminal nerves that supply either side of the face, and can sometimes affect 2 branches at once. The 1-sided pain of trigeminal neuralgia may extend through the cheek, mouth, nose and/or jaw muscles. This condition is characterized by a lancinating, shooting, electric-like sensation that can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Pain may be initiated by stimulating trigger points on the face, lips or gums, or by facial muscle movement, such as chewing.

It is characterized by pain radiating from the back into the buttock and into the leg. The pain may travel below the knee and may also involve the foot. Lower leg muscles may become numb or weak. Sciatica is most commonly caused by prolapse of the intervertebral disc. This term is also used to describe pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve.

Cancer pain
It can be nociceptive, neuropathic or mixed in nature. Neuropathic pain in cancer patients can occur via various mechanisms, such as by nerve compression or injury caused directly by the tumour, or by cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy. Common symptoms include spontaneous burning pain, intermittent sharp or stabbing pain, hyperalgesia and allodynia.

Post-stroke pain
It is characterized by pain in body areas that have lost sensory innervation due to disruption of the spinothalamic tract as a direct result of the stroke.

Postherpetic neuralgia
It is a neuropathic pain syndrome that occurs following an acute attack of herpes zoster (shingles). It is defined as pain persisting for more than 3 months after the active herpes zoster lesions have healed, and involves constant aching, burning or itching with intermittent, severe, lancinating pain. Allodynia and hyperalgesia may also occur.

Peripheral or painful diabetic neuropathy
It is a peripheral, autonomic or cranial nerve disorder associated with diabetes mellitus. These conditions usually result from diabetic microvascular injury involving small blood vessels that supply nerves. It is estimated that over 50% of diabetic patients may experience a neuropathy during their lifetime, although not all neuropathies are painful. Painful neuropathy is generally described as superficial and affects the feet and hands. Burning, tingling and allodynia are typically reported.

Painful upper limb
It describes a range of painful syndromes affecting the upper limbs, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the median nerve in the hand as it passes through the carpal tunnel, a narrow passage in the wrist comprised of bone and the transverse carpal ligament. Overuse, injury, friction, fractures, fluid retention and forceful movements are common causes. One of the first symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is numbness in the hand, thumb, index finger and middle finger, soon followed by pain in the same area.

Complex regional pain syndrome
It describes a variety of syndromes that may follow injury, commonly to an extremity. Patients describe their pain as constant, burning, aching and throbbing, and this may be combined with autonomic and tissue changes at the injury site. The pain usually begins days to weeks after the injury, and persists beyond the time normally expected for the injury to heal. The pain tends to radiate to an entire anatomic region, such as the distal leg and foot.

Reference information: www.spineuniverse.com, www.brainspine.com.hk, www.back.com.

The information above is used for educational purpose only, for any enquiries, please consult your neurosurgeon for medical advices.


Introduction of Neuropathic Pain?

Neuropathic pain is an
inappropriate physiological response caused by a lesion or dysfunction in the peripheral nervous system or central nervous system. Unlike nociceptive pain, which is an appropriate physiological response to a painful stimulus, neuropathic pain can be either stimulus-independent or stimulus-evoked.

Assessment of Neuropathic Pain

The assessment of neuropathic pain can be
challenging, as the aetiology and symptomatology of each neuropathic pain syndrome can vary greatly. Some conditions may also involve both neuropathic and nociceptive pain. Patient descriptions of neuropathic pain symptoms may include:
  1. Continuous, burning pain
  2. Dysaesthesia (abnormal and unpleasant sensations caused by spontaneous ectopic discharges along Aß fibres. Such sensations may be spontuneous or evoked)
  3. Shooting or lancinating pain/sharp, tearing pain
  4. Hyperalgesia (an increased response to a stimulus that is normally painful)
  5. Allodynia (pain from a stimulus that is not always painful)
  6. Paraesthesia (abnormal, but not unpleasant, sensations caused by spontaneous ectopic discharge along Aß fibres. Such sensations may occur in the absence of external stimuli)
  7. Electric, shock-like pain
Patients with the same neuropathic pain syndrome often present with different symptoms and respond to the same therapy with varying degrees of success, thus complicating disease management. It has become clear that physicians should adopt a more symptom- and disease mechanism-based approach to selecting therapy.

Reference information: http://www.spineuniverse.com

The information above is used for educational purpose only, for any enquiries, please consult the neurosurgeon for medical advices.



手術前CTMRI作三維指標 -切除腫瘤

開刀前確定腫瘤位置, 利用電腦導航使傷口更細, 利用導航作模擬手術,選取最好的手術進路, 使用電腦導航-傷口細,復原快

參考神經外科資料: www.brainspine.com.hk





參考神經外科資料: www.brainspine.com.hk




問題 (1 )椎間盤脫位引至坐骨神經痛,有無又安全,傷口又細的先進的手術治療?
答案 (1) 現今治療椎間盤脫位引至單邊坐骨神經痛,有幾種先進的微創方法。幾種方法用樣是經背部皮膚的小孔到達椎間盤脫位的地方,再清除壓迫神經線的組織。
這些椎間盤脫位手術分別是(1) 水刀手術; (2) 內視鏡手術; (3) 管道式微創手術。手術時傷口直徑順序為6mm,11mm16mm。安全程度相差不多。

問題 (2 ) 點解要有不同的椎間盤脫位手術?
答案 (2) 個病人椎間盤脫位的形狀和位置都不同,所以神經外科醫生要好似裁縫,為病人度身設計手術。如果椎間盤脫位屬於「大肚腩」形,便用「水刀」吸走「肚腩」內的組織。如果是「冬菇」形,便要內視鏡或管道式手術切除「冬菇頭」。如果有骨刺便一定要用管道式方。

問題 (3) 這些椎間盤脫位手術有甚麼好處?
答案 (3) 全,傷口細,服原快。

問題 (4)椎間盤脫位手術前需進行什麼檢查? 需全身麻醉嗎?
答案 (4)手術前要有X光片,磁力共振和基本的驗血。看手術的複雜程度和病人身體狀態,決定用局部麻醉或全身麻醉。

問題 (5) 椎間盤脫位手術如何進行?
答案 (5) 手術會在無菌手術室進行,其間會用X光透視病人脊骨。病人俯臥手術床,神經外科醫生在背部施麻醉,然後開傷口。神經外科醫生透過熒幕或顯微鏡,找出脫位的椎間盤碎片,然後清除。清除時可用吸管或微型夾。

問題 (6) 椎間盤脫位手術手術後需休息多久? 會留有傷口嗎?
答案 (6) 手術後當天或第二天可步行和出院。第一星期需多休息。之後看身體狀態一步步回復正常生活。病發後越快進行手術,恢復越快。手術後有小傷口,康服後不容易察覺。

問題 (7) 這些椎間盤脫位手術適合什麼程度/情況的坐骨神經痛人士?
答案 (7) 病人坐骨神經痛接受過物理治療超過6星期仍未康服,便要考慮手術。絕大多數病人可用以上其中一種方法治療。

問題 (8) 適合什麼年齡人士?
答案 (8) 任何年齡人仕都可以用這些微創方法治療。

問題 (9) 椎間盤脫位手術危險性大嗎?
答案 (9) 這些手術出現危險的機會很微。跟足指引進行,應該不會有嚴重的危險。

參考神經外科資料: www.brainspine.com.hk



柏金遜症 Parkinson's Disease

疾病名稱(中): 柏金遜症
疾病名稱(英): Parkinson's Disease



成因: 柏金遜症的病因為原發性及誘發性兩種。原發性的原因大多不明,暫時知道因為腦神經受損,而導致多巴胺減少。而誘發性的則是由其他腦疾病或藥物所引致。 腦炎腦腫瘤顱腦損傷、多次中風等因素引起的。

治療方法 : 患者需要服用藥物,以及進行物理及職業治療。服用藥物可控制病情,減少震顫的情況,減少對日常生活的影響。並應長期及依醫生的指示下服用,若自行中止服藥,會令病情反覆。同時應進行物理及職業治療,增強肌肉的活動及自我照顧能力,減少意外發生。患者亦有可能需要接受言語治療,以改善說話及吞讌的問題。 對於未能用藥物控制的病人, 可以用腦部深層刺激器手術。




腦出血 Cerebral Hemorrhage

疾病名稱(中): 腦出血
疾病名稱(英): Cerebral Hemorrhage
簡介: 腦出血,俗稱腦部爆血管,是最危險的中風。爆血管後,血液會流到附近的腦組織,由於突然失去血液供應,腦細胞會因得不到氧氣而死亡,腦出血也會令大腦壓力增加,大腦組織腫脹。 腦出血對病人身體影響難以預計,關鍵在於腦袋哪個區域受損。腦出血對病人有多大損害,視乎病人腦袋哪一部份受影響,若腦出血影響到腦袋控制呼吸的部份,病人有可能要利用呼吸器協助呼吸才能生存。若受影響的區域負責控制面部肌肉,病人就會有面部肌肉癱瘓問題。

病徵: 硬膜下出血即腦外出血。即使腦出血的中風病人生還,但有可能會出現癱瘓神志不清語意不清等後遺症,而且有研究發現其中近四成人會在30天內死亡。

成因 : 病人腦出血,主因是血壓高動脈壁太薄而導致爆血管。

預防方法 : 如果有效控制血壓,停止吸煙, 控制血脂血糖中風的機會便會大大減少。

治療方法 : 就一般情況而言,若瘀血不多,未必一定要即時施手術清除,因為手術有風險,瘀血亦有機會自動減退,就算惡化,過程亦較緩慢。治療方式需按每一個案具體情況而定,而腦出血不會直接導致中風肺炎,但病人身體轉弱,有可能更易受病菌感染。腦部受創積聚瘀血是否需要手術引流,要視乎瘀血面積、積聚的位置及瘀血積聚時間等多種因素考慮,若瘀血影響腦部神經運作,則多數會進行鑽孔引流瘀血,若瘀血沒有壓著神經系統,則不會進行手術,讓瘀血慢慢地吸收,一般需要兩、三周以上時間吸收瘀血,但若發現血塊有增大情況,則有需要及早進行手術。





日本腦炎 / 流行性乙型腦炎 Japanese Encephalitis / Epidemic Encephalitis B

疾病名稱(中): 日本腦炎 / 流行性乙型腦炎
疾病名稱(英): Japanese Encephalitis / Epidemic Encephalitis B
簡介: 日本腦炎病毒的宿主是豬隻或野生雀鳥,而主要病媒是三帶喙庫蚊,庫蚊在叮咬過帶有日本腦炎病毒的豬隻或野鳥後,身上就帶有該些病毒;庫蚊再叮咬人類,人類就可能被感染日本腦炎。

病徵: 日本腦炎發病的潛服期為四至十四天。病情輕微者出現無力、發燒及頭痛症狀。病情嚴重者則病發得快,並出現頭痛、高燒、頸部僵硬、神志不清昏迷、震顫、抽搐(特別是幼童)及癱瘓等症狀。患者有可能出現腦膜炎等嚴重病癥,

成因: 日本腦炎是經由庫蚊傳播,並不會人傳人,因為人類即使染病,體內的日本腦炎病毒也不會像豬隻或野鳥般多,故蚊子叮咬了患者後,再叮人的傳播風險不大。

預防方法 : 預防日本腦炎,應採取防蚊措施,避免給蚊子叮咬。準備前往此病流行地區如越南、柬埔寨、緬甸、印度、尼泊爾及馬來西亞的人士,更應加倍注意。應避免前往郊外,或穿著長袖衣服及準備蚊怕水

治療方法: 日本腦炎並無特定的治療方法。醫生一般對患者施以支援性治療。





腦積水 Hydrocephalus

疾病名稱(中): 腦積水
疾病名稱(英): Hydrocephalus

簡介: 腦積水指腦部積聚過量的腦脊髓液,擴大了腦脊髓液所佔的空間。
嬰兒腦積水會令頭部增大, 小童及成人腦積水, 頭部不會增大,

病徵: 嬰兒患有腦積水,頭顱會因積存過量腦脊髓液而擴大。亦會出現嘔吐、渴睡、煩躁和具佔有慾等徵狀。成年人及孩童會出現頭痛、嘔吐、嘔心、視力模糊、失衡和喪失記憶等徵狀。

成因: 嬰兒腦積水多為先天原因。而成人的腦積水多為後天狀況如顱內出血、生有腦腫瘤或顱內感染。

預防方法: 為了預防腦積水,必須及早診斷及治療腦腫瘤、腦膜炎、腦出血及腦創傷等腦部疾病。孩童應小心腦部,以免受到傷害,同時應定期量度頭顱大小,以便紀錄。

治療方法: 腦積水的處理方法有兩個。第一個採用手術分流腦積水,插入導管,並將脊髓液引入身體其他部位。第二個方法是用內視鏡把阻塞腦水循環的膜打開。





疾病名稱(中): 失憶症 |(英): Annesia

疾病名稱(中): 失憶症
疾病名稱(英): Annesia
簡介: 失憶是可以分兩種,一種是沒法記起一些我們很熟識的個人和家人的資料,例如家人姓名和電話等。另一種是沒法記到新學習的知識。

成因 : 成因很多,部份人因為精神受到極大的創傷而產生失憶的現象。但最常見失憶的成因是腦部受創傷和疾病,例如中風腦部缺氧

預防方法 : 多用腦思考, 保持運動和減少膽固醇食物, 是可以減少老人失憶的情況。

治療方法 : 幫助腦受創的病人恢復記憶,可以利用熟悉的事物幫助病人回憶,
亦會有一定的幫助。協助腦受創的病人治療失憶,主要是幫助病人學習新事物,利用腦部的剩餘功能去補足受損的記憶功能。 方法是要病人將事物及重要的訊息寫在記事簿上,病人需定時翻閱及提醒自己要做的事情。而病人的家人亦應協助病人和有耐心。病人需要一段時間讓病人重複及熟 練地使用此方法,而此學習時間是視乎病人的病況而定。病人的家人及朋友,亦應避免給病人過長及複雜的指示式訊息。藥物對個別的失憶病人會有治療之效。目前 暫未有發現一種可以根治失憶症的藥物。




面神經炎 / 面神經麻痹 / 面部肌肉癱瘓 (Bell's Palsy)

疾病名稱(中): 面神經炎 / 面神經麻痹 / 面部肌肉癱瘓
疾病名稱(英): Bell's Palsy

簡介: 面神經炎,又稱面神經麻痹或面部肌肉癱瘓。面神經炎起病突然,主要因為面神經非化膿性炎症而引起,是腦神經病最常見的疾病。

病徵 : 患者在發病前幾天可能會感到耳痛。發病時,早上起來發覺嘴角歪斜,流口水。耳後及面部疼痛,面部肌肉癱瘓,進食、說話、漱口等困難。同時患者額紋消失,不能閉目流淚。

成因 : 面神經炎的成因可能由面神經發炎而引起,亦可能由病毒所致,同時亦因為臉部經常受寒風侵襲而發病。

預防方法 : 增強抵抗力,減少病毒感染機會。

治療方法 : 可以注射維他命B1B12或服用松等口服藥。除此之外,物理治療和針灸治療可刺激肌肉活動, 嚴重的面癱可用手術改善外觀。


