

Stroke is sudden onset of neurological disability. It happens because of sudden blockage of blood vessel in the brain or sudden bleeding in the brain. Within minutes, the affect part of the brain dies. On average, every year, 26,000 new patients suffer from stroke in Hong Kong. The peak time for onset of stroke is when temperature suddenly drops, e.g. around November to December.

Symptoms of stroke

The symptoms of stroke include (1) weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg, (2) confusion and drowsiness, (3) difficult to speak, (4) dizziness, (5) blurring of vision, (6) severe headache, (7) incontinenece, (8) vomiting, and (9) coma. Mini-stroke means patients suffered for one or more of the above named symptoms, but only temporarily. 

Risk factors

Stroke can be caused by diseases such as, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillations, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol level. Patient with following diseases would have higher risk of stroke.

  1. Patients with coronary artery disease, cardiac & peripheral vascular disorders
  2. Cigarette smoker
  3. Obesity
  4. Lack of physical activity

Some patients have hidden time bomb in the brain, e.g. cerebral aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation, which may cause bleeding in the brain. 
The information provided aims to provide educational purpose, if you have the described conditions as above, please consult your neurosurgeon immediately.