
Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica is characterized by pain radiating from the back into the buttock and into the leg. The pain may travel below the knee and may also involve the foot.

Sciatica Symptoms

  • Pain radiate from the buttock to the leg and foot. There may also be needling or numbness in the region.
  • In the more severe case, the leg may become weak.
  • The pain feels like an electric shock suddenly or persistently.
  • The whole buttock, thigh and leg become tender on touching.
  • The leg muscles become very tense and spastic.
  • Pain can affect sleep and causes insomnia.
  • Cough, sneezing, laughing and sitting may aggravate the pain
The information provided aims to provide educational purpose, if you have the described conditions as above, please consult your neurosurgeon immediately.