
How Can I Prevent Back Pain During My Pregnancy?

To optimize your chances of keeping back pain at bay, there are a variety of preventive measures you can take:
·         First, maintain a reasonable activity level and under your doctor's supervision incorporate exercises that gently stretch and strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. "Keep moving!" advises Dr. Peters. "The ability and motivation to remain active is very important during this time."

·         If you spend your days behind a desk, take advantage of opportunities to get up and stretch your legs and back while getting your work done.

·         Maintaining good posture as your body changes is also important. As your center of gravity shifts forward, minimize the strain on your lower back by standing as straight as possible, keeping your shoulders back and your buttocks tucked under. When sitting, keep your feet slightly elevated, if possible. Choose a chair that supports your back use a small pillow if necessary and change positions frequently.

·         Be mindful of body mechanics. If you need to pick something up, don't bend over and lift using your back. Instead, squat using your knees, keeping your back straight as you lift. Avoid positions that require bending or twisting. Listen to your body if something hurts, don't do it!

·         Don't be a slave to fashion. If you're hooked on high-heeled shoes, kick the addiction at least for a few months. Cute "sensible shoes" do exist just look for low heels and good arch support. Your clothing can also be back-friendly look for maternity pants with a low, supportive waistband. Later in your pregnancy, you may want to use a support belt under your lower abdomen.

·         It may seem like the impossible dream at this point in your life, but do try to get a sufficient amount of sleep. Practice relaxation techniques, and keep stress to a minimum. Sleep on your side rather than your back, keeping your knees bent. Place pillows around your abdomen for support, if needed.

The information provided aims to provide educational purpose, if you have the described conditions as above, please consult your neurosurgeon.